Monday, August 30, 2010

The Grove & Ole Miss Football & The First Weekend out of the semester

Okay. Had a great weekend!! But as the song goes, "I don't like Mondays..." But whatever. Thank God I only have one class today! My best days all semester are Mondays & Fridays. This week is kind of bittersweet. It's bittersweet because I know that on Saturday it will be the beginning of the end for me. This is my senior year @ the University of Mississippi aka Ole Miss. Saturdays in The Grove symbolize all of the things I've ever wanted to achieve in my life. All the hopes and dreams for me and many others before me. I'm so excited about it. The Grove is where as a child I saw champions walk through. It's also where I watched my special champion Last Fall get off the bus and walk the long path on game day. I wonder how that feels? I remember seeing his smile when he knew I was there to cheer him on...:)!! It made me feel good to know that he was feeling his best and ready to play the game he loves so much. To be honest, I think he loves football more than he likes me. LOL!! This past weekend wasn't as fun as this weekend coming up will be. I can't wait to be honest!! I will be tired next Monday but with lots of memories!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

And the shit begins!!!

Well today the shit officially begins!! All the besties are back for the beginning of the Fall semester! Gettin the well flowing full of liquor alllllllready!!! Me & Mason are bout stupid drunk right now as Im typing this blog!! Mason is laying on my floor. I hope I dont fall on my face but thank god we are in my apartment instead of on the Famous Oxford Square gettin pick up by OPD for public drunkeness!! Loving the Hotty Toddy Lifestyle of mine!!